How do I join 4-H?
Contact the Lafayette County 4-H Youth Development Educator, at the Lafayette County Extension office at (608) 776-4820. First, you will need to select a club to join. There is a list of clubs below and the areas where the clubs are associated with, but you are welcome to join a club in any area of the county. Create an online account at 4-H Online: for your membership.
Membership and Participation Information:
When can I join 4-H?
* Re-enrolling members may start their re-enrollment process on September 1st (of the current 4-H year) and have until November 15th (this year ONLY)(of the current 4-H year) to complete their re-enrollment process. (Current 4-H year is September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025) Re-enrollment is completed through 4H Online.
* Enrollment to join 4-H is Open at anytime for NEW members. New member enrollment must be completed by February 2, 2025, in order to participate in the 2025 Lafayette County Fair as an enrolled member of Lafayette County 4-H. NEW members need to enroll through 4H Online.
*NEW* 2024-25 Attendance Policy 2024-25 Attendance Policy
What clubs can I choose from?
Below is list of clubs and the areas where the clubs generally meet. Meeting times and places vary, so if you need more information, contact the Extension office (Hailee Kammerud at or one of the organizational leaders of the clubs that is listed.
What if there are not any clubs in my area? You may want to start your own club. Contact the Lafayette County Extension Office at 608-776-4820 to find out how.
Updates are being worked on…
Cuba City Merry Mixers – Meets in Benton
Dunbarton – Meets at Shullsburg Schools
Fayette Go-Getters 4-H Club – Meets in the Darlington Area
Lamont Hustlers – Meets at the church in Lamont
Mound View – Meets in Belmont at the Community Center
Pleasant View – Meets in Belmont at the Community Center
Sunset 4-H – Meets at the Zion Country Club
Willow Springs – Meets in Darlington
Wiota Happy Hour – Meets at Wiota School House
Yellowstone 4-H – Meets at Argyle Schools the 2nd Sunday of the Month at 5:30 pm