4-H Ambassadors

Partial group of 4-H Ambassador youth behind their planning agenda for 2024-25 programming

* Kicking OFF the 2024-2025 4-H year of events with partial group of Ambassadors *


**NEW** 4-H members interested in applying to be an Ambassador or Junior Ambassador must submit a completed application by October 15, 2024, to the Lafayette County Extension Office.

Applications can be mailed to or dropped off at: Lafayette County Extension c/o: Hailee Kammerud  700 Main St.  Darlington, WI 53530.  Applications can also be submitted via email to: hailee.kammerud@wisc.edu

All applicants will receive an email confirmation of their submission and interview time upon submission of a completed application.

AMBASSADOR APPLICATION Ambassador Application 2024-25

AMBASSADOR APPLICATION Ambassador Application 2024-25  (Fillable PDF) 

JUNIOR AMBASSADOR APPLICATION Junior Ambassador Application 2024-25

JUNIOR AMBASSADOR APPLICATION Junior Ambassador Application 2024-25 (Fillable PDF)


Bethel Horizons ~ Team Leadership Training

2024 Lafayette, Iowa, and Sauk County 4-H Ambassadors

August 8, 2024

Even leaders need to train!



Sprouting Into 4-H (Cloverbud Discovery Day, 2024)


2023-24 Ambassador Planning Meeting

At the start of each programming year, the Ambassador team meets with newly installed Ambassadors to outline their year of community/county involvement, specifically around the areas of programming to be created and offered for younger youth within the county to experience 4-H.  It takes teamwork and compromise to bring the ideas of many together into a single plan of work for the team.



2022-2023 Lafayette County 4-H Ambassadors

The Lafayette County 4-H Ambassadors started out their April meeting participating in teambuilding activities where communication skills were essential to their success.  As the spring continues to slowly awaken, more and more activities will be shared out as their program planning is finalized.


 Blasting Off Into Space (Cloverbud Discovery Day, 2023)

Held on June 17, 2023, at the Lafayette County Fairgrounds

The 4-H Ambassadors created, planned, and delivered programming to county youth in grades kindergarten through 2nd grade under the theme of, “Blasting Off Into 4-H.”  Youth participated in stations of: Space Breakers, Milky Way Music, Alien Cookies/Rocket Kabobs (Product – Producer matching game), 4-H Pledge, and Rocket Launching.


Exploring the Secrets of 4-H (Explorer Discovery Day, 2023)

Held on June 24, 2023, at the Lafayette County Fairgrounds

The 4-H Ambassadors created, planned, and delivered programming to county youth in 3rd through 5th grade under the theme of, “Exploring the Secrets of 4-H.”  Youth participated in stations of: Trick photography, Skits, Snacks, 4-H Trivia Tag, and 4-H Opportunity/Experience Talks.















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