Welcome to UW-Madison Division of Extension – Lafayette County

*Upcoming Events*
Complete Interest Survey here: https://forms.gle/nb97rhj1rwTgAYFL8

I’m a Farmer too! Workshop March 20th starting at 9:30 AM
Please print off “I am a Farmer too form” to send/return with payment to Lafayette County Extension office.
Huge shout out to Farmer’s Savings Bank, Compeer Financial, Heartland Credit Union, Community First Bank and The Bank of New Glarus for sponsoring this event!

Fill the Floral Hall-Painting Day!
Come out and paint some cute farm wooden figures!–We will see you March 22nd at 10:00AM.

English: https://forms.gle/J1frQ5zei2MtHqhh6
Spanish: https://forms.gle/jNbfkUgriVtAjC279
March is National Nutrition Month!!
Happy National Nutrition Month!!! Make sure to contact Maggie our local FoodWIse staff for more information or resources!!!

StrongBodies 2025
StrongBodies is starting up! It will be offered in-person and virtually this year! In-person will have an informational session January 14th at 1:00pm in Cuba City.
Virtual classes are from January 7th- March 27th! You can join anytime! Classes are twice a week!
Day in the Arts coming March 29, 2025!!!
Register on 4-H online!

Egg Substitute (baking)

Download here: Egg Substitutes for Baking Eggs
Nitrogen Workshop (free event)
See agenda below

Navigating Nitrogen: Efficient Use and On-Farm Research Opportunities
Lafayette County Multi-Purpose Building 11974 Ames Rd. Darlington, WI 53530
March 13, 2025
9:30am-10:00am: Welcome, refreshments, and introductions. Update of SWIGG study impact on local action
10:00am-11:00am: Results from 2024 Nitrogen Use Efficiency Plots, Wisconsin’s performance benchmarks, and how people can do their own NUE assessment at home – Jordyn Sattler & Landon Baumgartner
Navigating Agronomic/Economic Optimal Nitrogen Rates and their context for 2025 crop budgeting. Hear about outcomes and lessons from NOPP studies relevant to Southwest Wisconsin farms – Lindsey Rushford
15 min break
11:15am-11:45am: Farmer Panel Q&A discussion with producers who conduct Nitrogen Use Efficiency and nitrogen rate trials on their farm
11:45am-12:00pm: Presentation on cost share opportunities available to local producers for nitrogen related practices and Q&A – NRCS/County LCD staff
4-H Archery Clinics have started!

GAP Training for Tobacco Producers
The UW Extension will be hosting a Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training for tobacco producers on April 10 from 9:00 am – 11:00 am at the Lafayette County Multi-Purpose Building.
This will be a live, video session facilitated by experts from the University of Kentucky and University of Tennessee. Topics include production updates, environment training, and updates on types of tobacco including burley, dark air, and fire tobacco.
To register, contact Jordyn Sattler by phone at 608-228-0208, email
Jordyn.sattler@wisc.edu, or mailing address 700 Main St. Darlington, WI 53530.
Please register by April 4.
SW Wisconsin Forage Meeting
The Regional Crops & Soils, Dairy, and Livestock Educators for Grant, Green, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties will be hosting a FREE event for agricultural producers involved in forage production and management on February 6th from 10:30 am – 2:00 pm at the Lafayette County Ames Multi-Purpose Building in Darlington. Guest speaker Paul Mitchell, Extension Specialist and director of the Renk Agribusiness Institute, will be there to provide valuable information about forage insurance and risk management strategies in forage systems. Additional topics include fertilizing high-yield forages to achieve farm goals and maintain soil productivity, understanding the nutritional impacts of high mineral contents in forages on dairy cattle, and tackling seasonal challenges with alternative winter feeding strategies for beef.
Wisconsin Youth Livestock Program: Educational Series
Here is the schedule for the 2025 Animal Sciences educational webinars. Register by going to https://go.wisc.edu/tnq61h

FEED Webinar Series
The University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Community Food Systems Program will provide no-cost virtual workshop series starting in February. These programs are for small-scale food and farming business start-ups.
Register at: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Ykpno4eBn1ENq
Badger Dairy Event on March 18th

Wisconsin Dairy Farmers, Veterinarians, & Dairy Consultants!
Join a live Dairy Farmer Panel with Dr. Paul Fricke on March 18 at 11am CST.

Green County’s very own Jeff McNeely will be a guest speaker at the Badger Dairy event on March 18th! Be sure to register and tune in for some valuable insights!
State 4-H Dog Project Opportunity

We have a great opportunity for our 4-H members that love dogs and like talking about them. 4-H dog project members are invited to be part of the statewide 4-H dog speaking and demonstration contest. It is being held in conjunction with the 4-H horse speaking contest on May 4, 2025, at the STEM Innovation Building on the UW Green Bay Campus. The registration deadline is April 1st. More information about the contest and judging criteria is attached.
State 4-H Dog Speaking and Demonstration Contest
Date: May 4, 2025
Location: STEM Innovation Center – UW Green Bay Campus
2019 Technology Way
Green Bay, WI 54311
Cost: $6.00, per youth, per speaking category
Registration: 10:00am
Contest begins: 10:30am (awards following contest)
Speaking Categories:
Grade Divisions: grades 3-5, grades 6-8, grades 9-13
Contest Registration: all dog speaking registration will be done through 4-H online. You need to be an enrolled 4-H member to register for the contest.
Registration closes on April 1st
For the dog speaking contest, in team demonstration, if you are working with a team member that is in a different age division, you need to enter in the older member’s division.
If you have questions about this opportunity, please connect with Jill at jill.jorgensen@wisc.edu
Farmer’s Market Short Course (webinar)
Register here

Estate Planning coming in April!

Spring Photography Challenge

Spring Photography Challenge is now open! This is open to ALL Lafayette County Residents. Photos must be taken in Lafayette County and can be in color, black & white, sepia, or computer edited. The deadline is May 23, 2025. Please send all pictures Janet Trout at jtrout2@wisc.edu. Please include your name and location the photo was taken.
Fill the Floral Hall-Leather Craft
The fan favorite is back! Choose from leather craft options including a bookmark, coaster, or key fob!
Registration below:
English: https://forms.gle/oW4cFX58WiLrqyXJ8
Spanish: https://forms.gle/xPD1fjTgjqJchzwV6