Crops and Soils

Extension Crops and Soils Educator

Contact Information:

Photographed Jordyn Sattler, Regional Crops and Soils EducatorOffice: (608) 328-9440

Cell: (608) 228-0208


Jordyn Sattler, joined Extension in January 2024. She graduated from UW-Platteville in 2013 as a double major in Agricultural Education (Non-Teaching) and Soil & Crop Science with a Plant Breeding and Genetics emphasis. Since then, she has spent most of her time working as a retail sales agronomist in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.

“I am excited to start meeting with local producers and providing resources and information that will help farms achieve their individual goals.”                           – Jordyn Sattler

Farmers place seeds in the soil each year with the expectation of harvesting a successful crop.  Careful planning, accurate decision making and swift action are crucial steps in this process. Farmers carefully consider farm profitability, the conservation of natural resources and community impact with each decision that is made. During each growing season the risk of market volatility, extreme weather, and pest outbreaks are possible if not expected. This complex decision-making matrix challenges even the most experienced farmer.  Extension’s recommendations are grounded by replicated scientific field research. Collaborate with Extension and host an on-farm research or demonstration plot to add regional value to the cropping practice. Data driven decision making will prepare farmers to better withstand the anticipated agronomic challenges of the future.

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