4-H Dog Project

Lafayette County 4-H Dog Project

2024 4-H Dog Project Clinics:  https://forms.gle/jrBiv6G5T3C9PUym6

June 2, 2024 ~ 3:00-5:00          June 5, 2024 ~ 6:00-7:30              June 9, 2024 ~ 3:00-5:00

Dog Obedience                               Agility                                          Showmanship


TUESDAY, June 11, 2024 ~ 6:00-7:30                TUESDAY, June 18, 2024 ~ 5:00-7:30

Agility                                                                            “Anything Goes”


REQUIRED: 2024 4-H Dog Project Health Form (fillable PDF)

2024 4-H Dog Project Health Form (Microsoft Word)


June 2, 2024 ~ 4-H Dog Project Members working hard on Dog Obedience Training

Youth training their 4-H dogs.



Are you interested in learning more about the 4-H Dog Project?  Complete the following Interest Form and the county leaders will be contact with you for training workshops.


Wisconsin 4-H Dog Projects:  https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/projects/small-animals/dogs-project/

What is it All About?

The dog project will help you explore what kind of dog fits into your family’s lifestyle and how to be an excellent trainer and caretaker of your dog. You will learn about dog breeds, dog ownership, and demonstrate dog care and management in feeding, handling, record-keeping, grooming, and fitting.

Resources for All Levels

Dog Project Sheet
County Fair Exhibit Ideas for the Dog Project
American Kennel Club
Free Conformation Course for Beginners from AKC


Project Leader Resources

Dog Helper’s Guide: National 4-H Curriculum
Dog Project Association – Adult Constitution & Bylaws (10.15.19)
Dog Project Association – Youth Constitution & Bylaws (10.15.19)
Dog Project Association Committees & Minutes


Statewide Events and Opportunities

State 4-H Dog Show
State 4-H Dog Bowl
State 4-H Dog Agility Show


Support Extension