4-H Spotlight
Why do YoU LOVE 4-H?
National 4-H Shooting Sports & Archery qualifier – Zach Daly
A BIG congratulations Zach Daly on the qualification to the National 4-H Shooting Sports & Archery Competition! 
4-H Launches Youth to SPACE…Camp
2023 started with the return of Wisconsin State 4-H Experiences, finally!! Three youth from Lafayette County participated in the experience of Space Camp in Huntsville, AL, April 20-24th. Spencer, Karter, and Thea travelled by coach bus for 3 fun-filled days of learning, exploring, experiencing, and launching off into Space! Spencer, Karter, and Thea participated in: a Simulated Space Mission, Space Simulators, Rocket building and launching, Space Exploration modules, Team Quiz Bowls, and toured the Space Museum. Not only did they get a fully immersive experience of Space, but they were also able to meet and connect with 4-H youth from all over Wisconsin.
**If you’re interested in learning more about Space or what this trip has to offer, please reach out to the Extension Office and we’ll connect you with more information so you can experience your own time in Space. Space Camp is geared for youth in grades 6th through 8th.
Lafayette County 4-H Summer Intern
This position is designed to support and expand 4-H youth development opportunities, knowledge of programs, office operations, and community partnerships under the direct
supervision of the 4-H Youth Development Educator and County Extension Secretary.
Employment: Approximately 10 weeks (late May through August)
Application Process & Deadline: Applications will be due by Monday, May 15th at 5:00 p.m. Full consideration will be given to applicants who submit: (1) Cover letter, (2) Professional Resume, and (3) References.
Salary: $3,500 Scholarship to be paid as follows; $1,500 will be paid at beginning of summer for living expenses, $2,000 will be paid at completion of summer internship.
4-H Summer Intern 2023
Lafayette County 4-H Ambassadors
The Lafayette County 4-H Ambassadors started out their April meeting participating in teambuilding activities where communication skills were essential to their success. As the spring continues to slowly awaken, more and more activities will be shared out as their program planning is finalized.
Day in the Arts 2023
Congratulations to the Lafayette County Youth who participated in Day in the Arts on Sunday, March 19, 2023, at Mineral Point High School. The day was hosted by Iowa and Lafayette County Extension. The youth performed in a variety of areas including: Cloverbuds, Photography, Communication Arts, Visual Arts (drawing & paining, crafts), and Music. Of the 17 performances, 6 received Award of Merits for their exceptional performances.
Cloverbud…Millie Kammerud
Communication Arts…Thea Kammerud
Photography…Thea Kammerud & Sophie Kammerud
Music (Vocal Solo)…Kinsey Clayton
Visual Art…Thea Kammerud