4-H Calendar

WISCONSIN STATE 4-H Calendar: 4-H Calendar

Local & State Opportunities/Contests/Events:


Maple Syrup Event

East & West Central Workshops

Dairy Quiz Bowl Contest

WILDLIFE & WOODS Virtual Classes

4-H Space Camp

Registration is OFFICALLY LIVE November 15 – December 15, 2023 through 4-H Online!

Space Camp is a camp experience where you learn and experience a tone of different aspects about life as an astronaut, working in NASA, and exploring places beyond Earth! This is a 3-day program experiencing the Pathfinder Program.

Requirements to attend:
– Must be in grades 6-8
– Must be enrolled and approved in 4-H


Exploring the Secrets of 4-H

Blasting Off into 4-H – Cloverbud Discovery Day


Fibers for our Future – Weaving Series


2023 Summer Academy


Photography ChallengeLafayette County Youth

WILDLIFE & WOODS Virtual Classes




2022 Art Event Contest Information

2023 WI 4-H ArtBEAT! 

REGISTER EARLY!! ONLY 120 spots available.  Registration opens JANUARY 20 and runs through FEBRUARY 20, 2023.  Fee: $125/youth camper and $75.00/adult 


Iowa & Lafayette County “DAY IN THE ARTS” ~ March 19th ~ 1:00 p.m.

Day in the Arts 2023 Information


4-H Project Discovery GLOBAL REACH


2023 Share-A-Kid Application

Support Extension