With summer comes heat and humidity. A successful dairy farm requires a healthy environment for cattle to thrive in; in the summertime, that means special care needs to be taken to ensure that calves, heifers, and dairy cattle are not experiencing heat stress. Learning how to mitigate heat stress before it happens is essential. Registration Flyer
Join University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Regional Dairy Educator, Jackie McCarville, as she is hosting a “Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle” workshop on April 11th. Dr. Jimena Laporta, University of Madison Assistant Professor of Lactation Physiology, will speak on Multigenerational effects of dry period heat stress and heat stress in pre-weaned dairy calves. Participants will learn how late gestation heat stress impacts the cow’s next lactation and her daughter and granddaughter performances. They will also learn about postnatal heat stress impacts on calf health, thermoregulation, and performance. Dr. Laporta will also present recent work on what she has been doing on heat stress detection and abatement methods in pre-weaned calves. Finally, McCarville, will present on cleanliness and sanitation in the calves.
The workshop will be held at the Grant County Youth and Ag Building on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 with registration starting at 10:30am, followed by the program at 11am. Cost of the workshop, which includes lunch is $20. Registrations are due to the Grant County Extension Office by April 3. For more information and to register please visit: https://grant.extension.wisc.edu or call 608-723-2125.