*NOTICE* as of the end of February 2023 extra FoodShare benefits are coming to an end. Regular benefit programs will continue in March 2023.
During the COVID-19 pandemic a Federal program gave extra benefits each month to food share members. Starting next month, March 2023, the household will no longer be receiving the COVID-19 relief shared benefits. So with that the household will only be receiving regular food share benefits. Any remaining balance on your card will continue on your card!
Please click the link below and follow the webpage for further explanation on this update!
https://fb.watch/iUMGFkprA2/ English
https://fb.watch/iUMIMipBoT/ Española
Please contact with any questions; (608) 930-9850 – maggie.milcarek@wisc.edu /or kathy.lange@wisc.edu
To contact your local county office, please follow this link! https://counties.extension.wisc.edu/